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Benefits of BEVERLee Active Coral Calcium

Speaker: Boedilova Narkul Samzhanovna Doctor - neonatologist of the highest category, experience over 30 years, trainer of the WHO program "Support for the protection of mother and child", Representative of the Silver Team of leaders of the BEVERLee Club company

"Your food should be your medicine, and your medicine should be your food" - Hippocrates

This popular expression of Hippocrates, said 400 years BC, remains relevant in our time. Let's consider a problem that medicine has only recently begun to pay attention to. Why does our body need minerals? All processes in the body, any, from the elementary movement of a finger to the manifestation of intelligence, the vertical transfer of information from mother to child, procreation, etc., are all enzymatic processes. Special proteins are needed, these are proteins with the property of accelerating all biochemical reactions in the body, called enzymes. The obligatory non-protein part of these enzymes consists of vitamins and minerals (macro and microelements). The role of vitamins is known to everyone, and even doctors admit it. But minerals...

Both vitamins and minerals play the same role in all mechanisms of genetic information transfer, that is, in the reproduction of each cell, each tissue, each organ and the organism as a whole.

"Preventive medicine should become the main tool in disease prevention." Disease prevention should mainly be ensured by satisfying the basic and changing physiological needs of a person for nutrients: proteins, carbohydrates, fats and fatty acids, mineral elements and vitamins. When we talk about the importance of minerals and the mode of their consumption (every day, not every day), it is absolutely clear that minerals should be consumed every day, regardless of the season and other factors. There is no single product that would contain everything the body needs. When they say that this plant contains, say, zinc, calcium or iron, this is wrong. It is necessary to say that this plant can contain zinc, calcium, iron or another mineral, provided that this mineral is in the soil. If there is no soil, then there is nowhere for it to come from in a plant. With the development of civilization, scientific and technological progress and urbanization of life, modern man consumes less fresh natural food, and the diet is becoming more and more monotonous with a high proportion of refined products depleted of vitamins and microelements. Existing food industry technologies for production, processing and storage do not contribute to the preservation of these valuable substances in food products. Modern methods of growing vegetables and fruits are characterized by a decrease in the content of vitamins, microelements and other active compounds in them. At the same time, in conditions of high environmental stress, psycho-emotional stress, widespread chronic pathology, the body's needs for vital micronutrients increase significantly. Modern food satisfies all the needs for nutrients only by 5-6% of what is needed for the normal functioning of the body.

So where does health come from? Is there a way out? "The doctor treats, nature heals," said Hippocrates. So, our company Beverleeclub offers a 100% natural product, high-quality and highly effective - ACTIVE CORAL CALCIUM. It is made from fossilized corals that are mined in the seas of Okinawa. The range of calcium supplements is very wide, they differ greatly from each other in effect, and this depends on the form in which calcium is present in a particular supplement. There are five main forms of calcium: carbonate, citrate, hydroxyapatite, compounds with amino acids and organic calcium complexes.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that our calcium is not pure calcium carbonate, which is absorbed by 30-40%, but it belongs to the fifth group, organic calcium compounds. This class of dietary supplements includes complex preparations containing a full set of all the nutrients necessary for the most effective absorption of calcium. The calcium itself in such preparations is in its natural form. Therefore, our calcium is the most perfect product on the modern market and is absorbed by 97%. Let's consider the main advantages of absorbing our active coral calcium. Calcium in our body is in constant circulation. On the one hand, it comes from food, on the other hand, it is constantly excreted with waste products. Normally, both of these natural processes are in balance; thus, in an adult, up to 700-800 mg of calcium is excreted from the bones per day, and the same amount must be deposited again. Calcium deficiency occurs when less of it begins to enter the body's tissues (its absorbable part) than is excreted. The process of calcium absorption by the body is complex and depends on many accompanying factors.

I will list the most basic ones, and compare the influence of these factors on the efficiency of calcium absorption by Beverleeclub with other types of calcium:

1. Optimal acidity of gastric juice. Low acidity prevents the absorption of this element.

2. Balance with fat from food. The optimal ratio of fat to calcium is 100:1. With excess fat in the diet, there is a deficiency of bile acids, and most of the calcium will be excreted in the feces.

3. Balance with magnesium (Mg). The optimal ratio of Ca:Mg is 2:1. With a magnesium deficiency, calcium begins to be excreted from the body more intensively.

4. Balance with phosphorus (P). The optimal ratio of Ca:P is 2:3 (for children, the ratio is 1:1). Excess phosphorus in the diet leads to a decrease in calcium absorption and an increase in its excretion from the body.

5. Vitamin D. With a deficiency of this vitamin, calcium is not able to be normally absorbed from the intestines. Directs calcium to the bones and retains it inside, maintaining normal bone density.

6. Vitamin K plays an important role in calcium metabolism.

7. Protein factor. Calcium absorption is facilitated by food proteins, as well as citric acid and lactose.

8. Stress factor. The more often a person is in a state of increased stress, the more calcium he loses, receiving an additional "blow" to the kidneys.

9. Physical activity. Moderate physical activity promotes better calcium deposition in bone tissue.

10. Vitamins C, B6, B12. Also important for the correct absorption of calcium.

All factors from 1 to 8 have virtually no effect on the absorption of active coral calcium, since they are all associated with the passage of calcium through the gastrointestinal tract and the absorption of calcium from the small intestine. And our calcium, the only one on the market, begins to be absorbed from the oral mucosa, which is characterized by an abundant blood supply. When saliva is abundantly secreted, the reaction is slightly alkaline (pH 5.8-7.8), so it does not affect the physicochemical properties of the drug. Moreover, substances absorbed from the mouth are not exposed to the gastrointestinal digestive juices and, in addition, do not go directly to the liver, as happens when absorbed from the stomach and intestines. Absorption from the mouth delays the onset of molecule modification and can prolong the activity of the drug. The third advantage is that the product contains substances that promote better absorption of calcium: casein phosphopeptide, magnesium, vitamin D3, citric acid, lactose. In addition, taking our second product, Coenzyme QH, promotes the formation of vitamin K2 in the intestine, due to the presence of lactobacilli in it. And also saves the body's consumption of B vitamins and vitamin C. Thus, the factors affecting the absorption of all other types of calcium have virtually no effect on the absorption of our active coral calcium.

Let's go back to Hippocrates. He belonged to the Kos school, trying to find the cause of the disease. Hippocrates' treatment consisted of creating a regimen in which the body would cope with the disease itself. So, daily preventive use of BEVERLEE products creates the most optimal conditions for our body to recover: silicon dioxide cleanses our cells of toxins, the remaining 60 minerals nourish it, participate in cell renewal, coenzyme gives energy, regulates the use of oxygen and thus slows down aging. Under its influence, the action of enzymes is enhanced. It is an excellent antioxidant and immunomodulator. It helps thin the blood and cleanses our vessels ... And I also want to present some evidence that our minerals not only can, but should be consumed by children of any age, since there are many questions about this. I provide recommendations from WHO (World Health Organization), based on evidence-based medicine. That is, research of the highest level was conducted. WHO recommendations for the prevention and treatment of preeclampsia and eclampsia.. (These are hypertensive disorders of pregnancy that lead to serious illness, long-term disability and death in mothers and infants.) All women living in areas where dietary calcium intake is low are recommended to take calcium supplements (calcium carbonate) for the prevention of preeclampsia during pregnancy, the daily dose should be 1.5-2.0 g of elemental calcium, from 12 to 36 weeks of pregnancy. The following recommendation for low birth weight infants fed with their mother's own milk or donor human milk is currently recommended daily oral nutritional supplements: • vitamin D supplements at a dose of (400 - 1000 U) per day until 6 months of age. • calcium should be given daily (120-140 mg/kg per day) • food supplements containing phosphorus (60-90 mg/kg per day) during the first months of life. • food supplements containing iron (2-4 mg/kg per day) should be given starting from 2 weeks of age up to 6 months. Of course, we want the best for our children, and I have provided you with evidence that Beverleeclub minerals based on active coral calcium are the best today. This is a multifunctional product (60 in one), easy to use, safe and very effective.

And in conclusion, I would like to remind you of another expression of Hippocrates. “Healing is a matter of time, but sometimes it is also a matter of opportunity.” Be healthy, constantly using our product! And by recommending our product to others, you will also have the opportunity to be not only healthy, but also wealthy, the opportunity to fulfill your dreams and goals, the opportunity to radically change your only life!

Clinical trials