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Seven reasons to buy Japanese dietary supplements

Medicines of the future. There are very few pharmacies left in modern Japan. They have been practically replaced by specialized chains selling dietary supplements and so-called categorical medicines. In Japan, they care about the health of the nation, and that is why they have replaced medicines with super-effective dietary supplements everywhere. Don't miss your chance to touch the health of the future today!

Japanese longevity. The Japanese have long been famous for their longevity. Eighty years is a completely normal age for a modern Japanese person. Basically, such a life expectancy is achieved thanks to dietary supplements. The volume of the Japanese dietary supplement market in 2010 exceeded 7 billion dollars and virtually all of these dietary supplements are produced in Japan. The Japanese do not trust either American or European analogues. They buy only proven and truly effective drugs.

Mountain herbs and seafood. These unique components are the basis of the longevity of the Japanese. Fresh natural seafood and medicinal herbs collected on the slopes of Mount Fuji - today these treasures in the form of Japanese dietary supplements are available to you! Natural extracts will help you overcome any disease.

Highest quality. Japanese dietary supplements are produced exclusively for the domestic market. These products are not exported. The requirements of the Japanese domestic market are extremely high, which is why health products sold in Japan are of such high quality. This is not some kind of "world" level. This is a level of quality and reliability that is an order of magnitude higher than global standards.

Degree of purification. Japanese dietary supplements use more purified raw materials. Purification occurs in several special laboratories organized at pharmacological universities. The level of purification exceeds American and European analogues by 10-15 times.

Certification and Control. All Japanese dietary supplements are certified and approved by the Japanese Ministry of Health. In addition, there are at least two dozen public organizations and associations that are constantly working to maintain the health of the nation. Every year, the Japanese Ministry of Health compiles lists of drugs recommended for use in certain disorders, abnormalities, and diseases. Our store offers the best of these drugs. There are no bribes or corruption in Japan – that’s why the certificates speak for themselves. In addition to Japanese certificates, all manufacturers have ISO 9001 and HACCP certificates.

In Japan, dummies are excluded. Most dietary supplements and even medicines sold in Russia are dummies. Talc, starch, or sugar usually do no harm, but they also do not bring any benefit. The pharmaceutical market in Russia is still not controlled by law. Therefore, every time you buy dietary supplements at a nearby pharmacy or store, you risk throwing money down the drain. In Japan, such a situation is impossible. A company that is caught in such a deception will be closed immediately.

Clinical trials