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Our body shell is designed to last 120-150 years, but we don’t know how to use it.

I should name a very famous person, Linus Carl Pauling. He was born in 1901 and died in 1993. At the suggestion of the World Health Organization and UNESCO, he headed a commission of leading scientists that studied in the late 80s of the last century the question of why human life expectancy cannot be increased. On average in Russia, it is 60-70 years, although geneticists have proven that the human body is initially designed for at least 120-150 years of use.

On average, 65-75 years is the norm today. Research was conducted in different countries over 10 years. And it was Pauling who was able to substantiate and prove from a scientific point of view the causes and mechanisms of development of various diseases. In addition, he gave recommendations on what could significantly improve the quality of life of people in a short time. It was he who founded such a direction as orthomolecular medicine. In the USA, scientists from the University of Orthomolecular Medicine named after Pauling developed the composition of various VMCs and gave recommendations for their use. Every day in America, more than 80% of the population takes VMCs. In Japan - 93-98% of the population. In Europe, the figures vary, but on average it is somewhere around 72%. In Russia - only 30-38% of people take dietary supplements.

It is important to understand that VMCs and dietary supplements, since they have very small dosages, do not give a quick effect. And we are all accustomed to emergency care. Take a pill - the tooth stops hurting. There is swelling somewhere - swallow a diuretic pill, the swelling goes down. The effect of drugs comes quickly, but also quickly passes. The effect of the pill ends - the problem returns. And VMCs begin to act only two or three weeks after the start of taking them, because this is the essence of metabolic therapy - helping a person restore metabolism. They used to say that all problems are from nerves, only one disease - venereal - from pleasure. And many still think so. In fact, the sources of all diseases are different types of metabolic disorders that provoke different health problems.

And if a person wants to maintain their health, they need to take dietary supplements regularly, and not just during an exacerbation of any disease. These are not drugs - you do not need to take breaks here.

Every day, our body needs from 600 to 700 different essential substances, that is, those substances that are not synthesized in the body, but must come with food. If this is observed, then everything will be fine and we will be able to live our 120 - 150 years. But the trouble is that from the daily diet, instead of 600 - 700, we get 200 - 230 of these substances. And if up to 35 years old the body tries to function with some reserves, then later the reserves quickly run out. And there is no healthy person over 35 years old, and in Russia this bar is even lower - 25 years. Our health insurance plans financial resources from the age of 25, as if a 25-year-old person already has at least one chronic disease. You need to know and think about it in advance...

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